
One Briquette Machine and One Packing Machine Delivered to Italy
One Briquette Machine and One Packing Machine Delivered to Italy…

A customer from Italy purchased one unit of Biomass Briquette Extruder and one unit of Shrink Film Packaging Machine. The briquette is octangle shape, diameter 40mm with a hole 12mm, length 30mm. Customer cuts briquettes via a disc cutting machine by hand, and ensure a smooth cross section, finally …

Welcome Customer from Russia Come to Visit E.P MACHINEY
Welcome Customer from Russia Come to Visit E.P MACHINEY …

The customer is a young man from Russia, come to visit our company on behalf of his father. He plan to build a factory to make charcoal briquettes in Russia, so come to China to visit several manufactures this time. We discussed a lot about raw materials, cost of investment, production process, etc.…

Wood chip briquetting machine for sale
Wood chip briquetting machine for sale…

We currently have two types of wood chip briquetting machines for sale, namely spiral wood chip briquetting machine and stamping/punching wood block making machine. Customers can choose according to their actual needs.…

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